finsternisse in English

Finsternisse [finstrnisə]npl eclipses

Sentence patterns related to "finsternisse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "finsternisse" from the Germany - English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "finsternisse", or refer to the context using the word "finsternisse" in the Germany - English Dictionary.

1. In seinen Augen Finsternisse und dominiert ihr ganzes Geschlecht.

2. In seinen Augen Finsternisse und überwiegt ihr ganzes Geschlecht.

3. Du hast mich in die tiefste Grube gelegt, in Finsternisse, in Tiefen.“

You have put me in a pit of the lowest depths, in dark places, in a large abyss.”

4. Die Open-Air-Janter-Manter - A Curious Collection von Skulpturen, jeder Bau Messung der Positionen von Sternen, Höhen und azimuths und die Berechnung der Finsternisse.

The open air Janter-Manter – A Curious Collection of Sculptures, each Construction measuring the postions of stars, altitudes and azimuths and calculating eclipses.