entlaubungsmittel in English

Entlaubungsmittel [ɛntlaubuŋsmitəl]npl defoliant, defoliants

Sentence patterns related to "entlaubungsmittel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "entlaubungsmittel" from the Germany - English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "entlaubungsmittel", or refer to the context using the word "entlaubungsmittel" in the Germany - English Dictionary.

1. Für den Vietnamkrieg müssen verschiedene Kriegsfolgen bedacht werden, je nachdem, ob Napalm oder aber das Entlaubungsmittel Agent Orange zum Einsatz kam.

Regarding the Vietnam War, different consequences arose, depending on whether Napalm or the defoliant Agent Orange was used.