长途电话 in Vietnamese

  • {long-distance call}
    - {long distance}

Sentence patterns related to "长途电话"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "长途电话" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "长途电话", or refer to the context using the word "长途电话" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 维持长途电话和电报通信系统的运作、向轨道网络上各点转播电视节目并开展国际合作

2. ● 使用自动柜员机或用电话卡打长途电话的时候,要用手遮掩,有人可能正在背后用望远镜或摄影机偷窥。

3. 有许多人在报税方面作伪,没有向海关呈报应抽税的物品,擅用公司的电话打长途电话或在报公账方面作伪。

Bốn mươi lăm phần trăm thì đã phạm tội ngoại-tình.

4. (笑声) 如果你想连接到其他城市, 假设你想从加尔各答打到德里, 你必须预订一种叫长途电话的服务, 然后坐在电话旁等上一整天,直到线路为你开通为止。