配好 in Vietnamese

  • {measure out}

Sentence patterns related to "配好"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "配好" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "配好", or refer to the context using the word "配好" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 根据线索十二 也不可能是树根啤酒 因为那个人抽Bluemaster 而且你已经分配好牛奶和咖啡了, 那就肯定是水

2. 药铺的另一角摆放着一包包预先配好的成药和一批中国制造的瓶装草药,对治疗伤风感冒、肠胃不适等普通病痛相当有效。

3. 10 基督徒会众成立后不久,使徒就委任了“七个合资格的人,是充满圣灵和智慧的”,去统筹“日常的膳食分配”,好叫贫穷的基督徒寡妇不致挨饿。(