还俗 in Vietnamese

  • {secularisation}
    - {secularization} , sự thế tục, sự hoàn tục, sự phi tôn giáo hoá nhà trường

Sentence patterns related to "还俗"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "还俗" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "还俗", or refer to the context using the word "还俗" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我写了多封信给枢机主教请求还俗,但却徒劳无功。

2. 我在1985年10月1日通知修道院我打算还俗,上司们惊愕不已。

3. 缅甸民主之声也提到,军方过去曾命令“永盛当地最资深的僧侣”念颂巴利文经文中“羞辱僧侣”章节,逼迫僧侣还俗

4. 但是这群原本应该跟着长老覆诵的僧侣却拒绝跟进,不久后,资深的僧侣说他就是没有办法将那些僧侣还俗为普通人,拒绝了军方命令后就离开。