暂且 in Vietnamese

  • {for the nonce}

Sentence patterns related to "暂且"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "暂且" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "暂且", or refer to the context using the word "暂且" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 你暂且崇拜我,这一切就是你的了。”( 路加福音4:5-7)

Vậy, nếu ngươi sấp mình xuống trước mặt ta, mọi sự đó sẽ thuộc về ngươi cả”.—Lu-ca 4:5-7.

2. 我们暂且假设你打算“让她容易下台”,也就是温言婉拒。

3. 上帝在伊甸园设立的本来是一夫一妻制,可是他认为在耶稣基督降世以前,暂且不适宜恢复这个婚姻准则。

4. 医生开始输氧,病人情况暂且好转,但到下午4点时,他的脉博逐渐变得越来越微弱,人也失去意识,最终于4点10分逝世。