日月星辰 in Vietnamese

  • {the hosts of heaven}

Sentence patterns related to "日月星辰"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "日月星辰" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "日月星辰", or refer to the context using the word "日月星辰" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 上帝甚至制定了“天的律例”,支配日月星辰的运行。(

2. 本书第5章提到的日月星辰,并非杂乱无章地散布在太空。

3. 例如耶稣也预言有一个时候人会为‘日月星辰的异兆’和“海中波浪的响声”而惊惶万分。

4. 3 反映国家主义精神的一种常见仪式是向国旗敬礼。 国旗的图案大多包括日月星辰或世上的百物。

Đôi khi, việc chào cờ trở nên một hình thức phổ biến để biểu hiện tinh thần ái quốc.

5. 另一个看法是:希伯来书1:2以及11:3中“艾翁”的意思跟“科斯莫斯”相同,指世界或宇宙,包括受造万物、日月星辰和地球。

6. 此外,日月星辰会有征兆,地上各国会极度痛苦,因为海的怒吼和激荡而走投无路,人由于恐惧和预料有什么事将要临到有人居住的大地,就吓得发昏。”(