无论多么 in Vietnamese

  • {no matter how}

Sentence patterns related to "无论多么"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "无论多么" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "无论多么", or refer to the context using the word "无论多么" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我们的话只要是恭敬、由衷,无论多么简单,都是耶和华所喜悦的。——诗篇62:8。

Ngài hài lòng khi chúng ta nói kính cẩn, chân thành, dù diễn tả đơn sơ thế nào đi nữa (Thi-thiên 62:8).

2. 篱笆的铁丝网无论多么昂贵,也抵挡不住一只横冲直撞的骆驼的长腿和庞大身躯。

3. ◆ 《基督教纪事报》:“政府此举大力击破了一种想法,认为宗教主张无论多么荒谬恶毒,人都可以随意传播而无需受罚。

4. 希伯来书3:4)既然房屋——无论多么简陋——都必须有建造者,这个复杂得多的宇宙以及地上种类纷繁的生物必然也有一位建造者。