无节制地 in Vietnamese

  • {at no allowance}
    - {immoderately} , quá độ, thái quá
    - {with free hand}
    - {without measure}
    - {without restraint}
    - {without stint}

Sentence patterns related to "无节制地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "无节制地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "无节制地", or refer to the context using the word "无节制地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 自私贪婪,毫无节制地暴饮暴食的人。

2. “伐木公司漫无节制地采伐,把大好的森林夷为平地,实在太可怕了。”

3. 在世人眼中,性道德已不是一种美德了。 漫无节制地追求享乐和满足,看来反倒成了风气。《

4. 还有,面团含复合碳水化合物,会营造“肚子饱了”的感觉,这样,就算热爱比萨的人也不会毫无节制地吃个不停。

5. 我们的厨房桌台上有抗菌用品 人们时时刻刻都在洗身上的每个部分 抗生素大量地流入我们的食物和居住环境中 我们无节制地滥用抗生素