旋下 in Vietnamese

  • {screw off}

Sentence patterns related to "旋下"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "旋下" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "旋下", or refer to the context using the word "旋下" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这就是一个螺旋下降的恶性循环。

2. 局面一直持续到了1959年1月,克莱门茨在路易斯维尔斯坦迪福德机场酒店召开了持续一个通宵的会议,各方在他的斡旋下达成协议,康布斯将竞选州长,而怀亚特则竞选副州长。

3. 当年末,立宪政友会与政友本党在后藤新平的斡旋下达成了合作(政本合作),但在1927年2月又形势突变,为阻止立宪政友会掌握政权,宪政会与政友本党达成秘密合作(宪本合作),立宪政友会被孤立了。