摆架子 in Vietnamese

  • {assume airs}
    - {do the grand}
    - {give oneself airs}
    - {perk it}
    - {put on airs}
    - {put on frills}
    - {put on lugs}
    - {put on side}
    - {put on style}
    - {put on the airs}
    - {put on the dog}
    - {roister} , làm om sòm, làm ầm ĩ, chè chén ầm ĩ
    - {roistering} , sự làm om sòm, sự làm ầm ĩ, sự chè chén ầm ĩ

Sentence patterns related to "摆架子"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "摆架子" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "摆架子", or refer to the context using the word "摆架子" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 虽然耶和华在宇宙中至高无上,但诗篇113:6,7说,“上帝纡尊降贵,俯察天地,从尘土中提拔寒微的人,从灰坑中抬举贫穷的人”。 上帝“纡尊降贵”,意思是他不摆架子,乐意跟地位比自己低微的人来往,俯就他们。