布匹 in Vietnamese

  • {yard goods}

Sentence patterns related to "布匹"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "布匹" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "布匹", or refer to the context using the word "布匹" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 飢餓時甚至連皮革製品、人造纖維布匹等也吃。

2. 24他们也有丝绸和细麻布;他们织了各种布匹,作为蔽体之用。

3. 守望台社不但提供洗涤剂、消毒剂和油漆,还供应褥垫、毛毯、布匹和孩童的衣服。

Hội Tháp Canh cung cấp xà phòng, chất tẩy, nước sơn, nệm, mền, vải và quần áo cho mấy đứa nhỏ.

4. 除此之外,它也可以用来制造绳网、席子、布匹、帽子、独木舟、盘子、木箱、篮子和纸张等。

5. 13看啊,他们的妇女辛勤工作和纺织,织成种种布匹,各样的细麻布和布料,供蔽体之用。

6. 有人把圣经藏在布匹或其他货物里,偷偷运进英国,无论运来多少圣经,英国人都抢购一空。

7. 出埃及记3:8)他们发掘到很多金器石器。 可是,布匹、皮革和经过防腐处理的尸体较易腐烂,经受不住潮湿的天气和时间的洗礼。