对号 in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "对号"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "对号" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "对号", or refer to the context using the word "对号" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 书6:4,5,15,16,20;利25:8-10)以笏、约押、基甸和三百个勇士,还有守望人(他们不一定是利未人)都会吹角,可见国民普遍都对号角十分熟悉。(

2. 国际法院也规定,“协助和唆使”犯罪,或者“同谋”犯罪,或“连带犯罪行为”,均应承担责任。 在自然人和法人的标准之间不可能进行一对一的对号

3. 普通车廂对号座席车辆(第12-15号车厢)和自由座席车辆(第16、17号车厢)座位的座席間距不同,前者为JR东日本的新干线普通车廂的标准座席間距980mm,后者被认为是从座定员确保的观点与485系等同样的910mm。