宇航服 in Vietnamese

  • {space suit} , bộ quần áo vũ trụ

Sentence patterns related to "宇航服"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "宇航服" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "宇航服", or refer to the context using the word "宇航服" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 宇航服保护宇航员们不会因和微小宇宙尘埃碰撞而受伤。

2. 火星上会下雨,会下雪, 等大气再厚一点 会制造足够的压力, 我们就可以脱下那些宇航服了。

3. 我们说的是可充气的衬层 可与洞内复杂的拓扑形状 相吻合 现场发泡过度气压舱可以用来解决复杂的拓扑 宇航服的内部材料 可以采用多种方法取得供人呼吸的气体