孤零零的 in Vietnamese

  • {in world by oneself}
    - {in world of one's own}
    - {lonely} , vắng vẻ, hiu quạnh, cô đơn, cô độc, bơ vơ

Sentence patterns related to "孤零零的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "孤零零的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "孤零零的", or refer to the context using the word "孤零零的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 你们才是行动者,我只是一个孤零零的学者。

2. 然而,我只是一个人孤零零的,正在尝透了孤寂之苦。”

3. 他说自己被开除后,再不能跟家人来往,感到很失落,特别是晚上孤零零的时候。

4. 起初,会众只有另外两个聋人,他们又不惯跟又聋又盲的人沟通,我很怕自己会孤零零的

5. 一个姊妹说:“我早已下定决心,只跟主里的人结婚。 不过,看着自己的朋友一个个在会众里嫁得好丈夫,自己却孤零零的,我就禁不住悄悄落泪,不知哭了多少次。”