威势 in Vietnamese

  • {bravura} , <nhạc> sự biểu diễn xuất sắc

Sentence patterns related to "威势"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "威势" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "威势", or refer to the context using the word "威势" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 11你的威势被带下坟墓,你琴瑟的声音,不复听闻;你下铺的是虫,上盖的是蛆。

2. 拉伯沙基大放厥词,一方面蔑视耶和华的上帝地位,同时极力夸耀亚述及其皇帝的威势

3. 7因此看啊,主必使大河翻腾的水猛然冲向a他们,就是亚述王和他所有的威势,他必漫过一切的水道,涨过两岸。

4. 迦密山,特别是从海边陡起的岬角,有如耸立于耶斯列平原上的他泊山那样气势宏伟。 圣经用迦密山这种雄伟的气势来形容尼布甲尼撒进攻埃及的威势。( 耶46:18)

5. 传染病(瘟疫)在古代美索不达米亚文明的巴比伦王国的《吉尔伽美什史诗》中就已经被记述为四灾厄之一,同一时期的埃及也将法老的威势与瘟疫流行时的瘟神进行比较。