妓女的 in Vietnamese

  • {bawdy} , tục tĩu dâm ô

Sentence patterns related to "妓女的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "妓女的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "妓女的", or refer to the context using the word "妓女的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 有妓女的合葬墓「童女塚」。

2. 卫兵把男的关进刑事囚犯的“改造营”,女的关进囚禁妓女的营房里。

3. 他在箴言5:3,4劝勉青年人避免和娼妓发生性关系,说:“因为淫妇[妓女]的嘴滴下蜂蜜,他的口比油更滑。”

4. 无疑也是由于耶和华的指引,参孙前往迦萨,住在一个妓女的家里,因为这导致另一项使堕落的非利士人大受屈辱的伟举。