妄想的 in Vietnamese

  • {chimeric}
    - {delusional} , xem delusion
    - {obsessive} , ám ảnh

Sentence patterns related to "妄想的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "妄想的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "妄想的", or refer to the context using the word "妄想的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 对数学有无比的热爱,独自创造出了一个妄想的数学世界。

2. 謝莉爾・賽亞拉 擁有能夠認識對手的妄想的印象並且把這分妄想從記憶中消掉的元素能力。

3. 不同病人自大妄想的誇大程度存在巨大的差異: 例如有些患者會認為自己是女皇、總統的兒子或著名搖滾明星,而其他人沒這麽自我膨脹的,會認為他們是熟練的體育家或演說家 。