太过分 in Vietnamese

  • {go too far}

Sentence patterns related to "太过分"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "太过分" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "太过分", or refer to the context using the word "太过分" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 女王 太过分

Nữ hoàng đã đi quá đà.

2. 有时候他会把我说得一文不值,实在太过分了,但我做梦也想不到自己还会忍下去!”

3. 塞缪尔继续说:“有一天,嘲笑的话实在讲得太过分了,我去找生物学老师,问他有没有可能把标记除掉。

4. 可是,正如希普伟特承认:“有些天主教徒认为教皇对马利亚的崇拜太过分了;有些基督新教徒则视之为不合圣经、迷信,或甚至亵渎上帝。”

5. 以弗所书6:4)你若觉得父母的批评太过分、不公平或令你太丢脸,也许可以找个平静的时刻和父母商讨一下这件事,让他们知道他们的言词对你有什么影响。