天良 in Vietnamese

  • {one's better feeling}

Sentence patterns related to "天良"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "天良" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "天良", or refer to the context using the word "天良" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 真 他媽 沒 天良 !

Cầu cho tụi nó bị đứt chân.

2. 显然,他们是中途被一些无天良的货车司机遗弃了。”

Nghe nói một số tài xế xe tải đã nhẫn tâm bỏ lại hành khách dọc đường”.

3. 无天良的雇主认为,他们个子矮小、手指灵巧,从事织地毯这一类的劳动正恰到好处。

4. 纳粹党徒在大屠杀中丧尽天良,残杀了数百万无辜的人,许多人对这件事记忆犹新。

5. 他们从婴孩的时候便受模铸,给洗脑,在天良泯灭的政客和教士的煽动及指使下,转而对同胞倒戈相向。

6. 申命记15:12-17)因此,用以色列的奴隶制度做借口,为历代以来丧尽天良的奴隶制度辩护,实在是歪曲了圣经的教训。