大海捞针 in Vietnamese

  • {look for needle in bottle of hay}
    - {look for needle in bundle of hay}
    - {search for needle in haystack}

Sentence patterns related to "大海捞针"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "大海捞针" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "大海捞针", or refer to the context using the word "大海捞针" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这好比大海捞针

2. 换句话说,我们正在大海捞针

3. 我为病人施行不含血疗法期间不时都会遇到一些问题,若要查遍浩如烟海的医书,以求找出针对这些问题的具体解决方法,情形就仿如大海捞针一样。

4. 我同那些曾去过 垃圾环流带的人们谈过, 他们也曾研究过塑料污染对海洋环境的污染, 交谈之后, 我开始意识到海上清理塑料 相比起 全球每天产生塑料的生产量 就如大海捞针一样, 我必须回过头想想,要展望更大的蓝图。