大混乱 in Vietnamese

  • {chaos} , thời đại hỗn nguyên, thời đại hỗn mang, sự hỗn độn, sự hỗn loạn, sự lộn xộn
    - {havoc} , sự tàn phá, tàn phá

Sentence patterns related to "大混乱"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "大混乱" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "大混乱", or refer to the context using the word "大混乱" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 1934年(民国23年),针对引发物价大混乱及对外金融政策失当问题,馬寅初在立法院会议上激烈责难財政部長孔祥熙。

2. 新大英百科全书》说:“石油武器在先进工业国大大加强了通胀程度,在欧洲有些国家造成国际收支平衡的严重困难;在许多低度发展国家更造成经济大混乱。”