大惊小怪 in Vietnamese

  • {hair make tether of}
    - {storm in teacup}
    - {tempest in teapot}
    - {cry blue murder}
    - {foofaraw}
    - {fuss} , sự ồn ào, sự om sòm, sự rối rít; sự nhăng nhít, sự nhặng xị, sự quan trọng hoá, làm ầm lên; rối rít; nhặng xị lên, làm (ai) cuống quít, làm phiền, làm rầy (ai)
    - {like hen with one chicken}
    - {make great fuss about nothing}
    - {make mountain out of molehill}
    - {make to-do}
    - {raise dust}
    - {raise hue and cry}

Sentence patterns related to "大惊小怪"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "大惊小怪" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "大惊小怪", or refer to the context using the word "大惊小怪" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 不过,你要是边说边哭,也不用大惊小怪。《

2. 不必为这件事大惊小怪;要设法了解对方的感觉。

3. 在他们看来,耶利米是个杞人忧天、大惊小怪的狂热分子,无论对什么事或任何人都诸多不满。

4. 你知道的,我们提供健康服务, 人们总认为我是大惊小怪的人, 因为我喜欢问责和数据 和所有好东西,但我们有健康服务, 我必须筹措大量的资金。