大吵大闹 in Vietnamese

  • {big stink}
    - {kick up din}
    - {kick up fuss}
    - {kick up row}
    - {kick up shine}
    - {kickup}
    - {make din}
    - {make to-do}
    - {make scenes}
    - {raise hell}
    - {roughhouse}

Sentence patterns related to "大吵大闹"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "大吵大闹" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "大吵大闹", or refer to the context using the word "大吵大闹" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 有些人一吵架就难于控制脾气,两人大吵大闹、互相诋毁。(

Vì thế, khi có bất đồng ý kiến, người ta có thể khó kiềm chế cảm xúc của mình.

2. 演讲开始之后不久,约有六名男子从酒吧出来,开始大吵大闹

3. 雅各书1:20)大吵大闹、辱骂别人和绷着脸含怒不语都是深具破坏力的事。

4. 滋事分子在会场大吵大闹,甚至用电话线收听演讲的听众都听得清清楚楚!

5. 此外,“尽吐胸中积愤”或“大发雷霆”,也许同时大吵大闹、大叫大喊或甚至动武,通常会制造难题多于解决难题。

6. 同样,作家帕卡德(Vance Packard)报道说:‘在过去二十年间,一般性的大吵大闹在公立学校已经司空见惯,这种改变,尤以市区学校更为显著。

7. 但在1959年的一个星期天,当约翰·戴维森正在与他们主持一个圣经研究之际,一群天主教暴民在天主教的教理导师指挥之下闯进他们家里大吵大闹,使研究无法继续进行。