土地保有权 in Vietnamese

  • {burgage} , (sử học) chế độ thành phố Anh thuê đất nhà vua trong từng năm và nộp tô

Sentence patterns related to "土地保有权"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "土地保有权" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "土地保有权", or refer to the context using the word "土地保有权" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 审查和视需要根据国家立法、政策和优先事项改善与森林有关的立法,加强森林执法并促进各级善政,以支持可持续森林管理,创造有利于森林投资的环境,打击和消除非法做法,并促进有保障的土地保有权;

2. 回顾安理会决定不延长2003年12月22日第1521(2003)号决议第10段对原产于利比里亚的圆木和木材制品规定的措施,并强调利比里亚必须在木材部门继续取得进展,有效实施并强制执行2006年10月5日经签署成为法律的《国家林业改革法》,包括解决土地产权和土地保有权问题,养护和保护生物多样性,以及订立商业森林作业合同授予过程,