噻唑 in Vietnamese

  • {thiazole}

Sentence patterns related to "噻唑"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "噻唑" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "噻唑", or refer to the context using the word "噻唑" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. John Stenhouse第一次通过苯磺酸钠的干馏制备出噻蒽。

2. 呋喃唑酮也可用于治疗旅行者腹泻、霍乱及沙门氏菌病。

3. 医生可用硝呋噻氧对付克鲁斯氏锥虫,但这种药常引起严重的副作用。

4. 体电导率大于10 000S/m的本征导电聚合物材料,或电阻率低于100欧姆/平方的薄板(表面),基于下列任何一种聚合物:聚苯胺、聚吡咯、聚噻吩、聚对苯撑乙烯、聚噻吩乙烯。

5. 但他需要继续药物治疗 那时在美国,氟康唑 是用于治疗真菌感染,每片要卖30美元