司法权的 in Vietnamese

  • {jurisdictional} , xem jurisdictio

Sentence patterns related to "司法权的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "司法权的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "司法权的", or refer to the context using the word "司法权的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 行省司法权的大小,在乎腓力斯有多大的权力。

Pháp quyền cấp tỉnh hoàn toàn thuộc thẩm quyền của Phê-lít.

2. 这一案件的处理结果显示日本已经成为立宪国家和法治国家,并确立了法治主义与司法权的独立。

3. 如果也门人在也门境外犯下第 # 条规定的罪行,或者外侨在也门境外犯下第 # 条规定的罪行,而且在也门有已知的居所,或者在也门任何地方被逮捕,那么,具有审判权的法院应当是对被告的居住地点或被逮捕地点具有司法权的法院,或者是首先受理诉讼的法院。