冲力 in Vietnamese

  • {brunt} , gánh năng chủ yếu, sức mạnh chính
    - {impulse} , sức đẩy tới, sự bốc đồng; cơn bốc đồng, sự thúc đẩy, sự thôi thúc, (kỹ thuật) xung lực

Sentence patterns related to "冲力"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "冲力" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "冲力", or refer to the context using the word "冲力" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 该爆炸物巨大的冲力毁坏了整个咖啡厅,炸死 # 人,炸伤 # 多人,其中 # 人伤势严重。

2. 据报此举既不伤脑,也没有混乱思绪;反之“调整步调器”发出律动的电气冲力以缓和抑郁病情。

3. 在声波敲击我们的耳膜时, 能量被传送入我们的听骨, 在耳蜗里被转化为流体性冲力, 然后在我们的听觉神经中被转变成电信号, 最后传入我们的脑中, 被大脑接收为一首歌或者一首美丽的乐曲。