值得赞美 in Vietnamese

  • {commendable} , đáng khen ngợi, đáng ca ngợi, đáng tán dương; đáng tuyên dương

Sentence patterns related to "值得赞美"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "值得赞美" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "值得赞美", or refer to the context using the word "值得赞美" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 乙)有什么值得赞美的事可作我们的话题?

(b) Chúng ta có thể nói về những điều đáng khen bằng cách nào?

2. 13 我们感到灰心消极时,可在祷告中向耶和华求助,努力沉思值得赞美的事。(

3. 马太福音5:21,22,27,28;6:19-21)正如他的一个门徒后来劝勉我们,任何真实、要庄重对待、正义、贞洁、可喜爱、可称道的事,有什么美德,有什么值得赞美的东西,我们都应当“继续思念”。——腓立比书4:8。