修理的 in Vietnamese

  • {reparative} , có tính chất đền bù, để đền bù, để bồi thường

Sentence patterns related to "修理的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "修理的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "修理的", or refer to the context using the word "修理的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 可是,人拒绝了创造主的指导;因此无可否认地,现时人类“房屋”已毁坏到亟需修理的程度。

2. 申命记6:7)父亲也许可以邀请那异常沉默的儿子一同在花园里工作或做点修理的工作。

3. 视察队询问了分厂负责人,问及正在修理的机器、零部件来源和分厂人员人数,还询问了是否同军队合作。

4. 想要從事鐘錶製造的金太郎,延攬了當時負責懷錶修理的鐘錶職人吉川鶴彥,在西元1892年(明治25年)創立鐘錶製造工廠『精工舍』。

5. 部署陆运车间设备到3个队部(斯马拉、奥塞尔德和乌姆锥嘎),以便利在队部进行底盘和车身的烧焊修理,不必将需要做这种修理的车辆从这3个队部运往阿尤恩