便结 in Vietnamese

  • {coprostasis}
    - {obstipation} , (y học) sự táo bó

Sentence patterns related to "便结"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "便结" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "便结", or refer to the context using the word "便结" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 在美国,大多数十来岁便结婚的夫妇在五年内即告破裂。

2. 后来他把买来的一辆旧公共汽车改装成野营车,足以容纳十个或更多传道员,以便结伴传讲好消息。

3. 这证实了犹太人的传统见解以及第一世纪基督徒会众的信仰,认为希伯来文正典到尼希米记和玛拉基书便结束了。

4. 一位有四个孩子的基督徒父母说:“有些父母认为年轻人的男女关系很‘有趣’而鼓励儿女如此行,并且让青少年没有成年人监管便结队出外游玩。