伯父的 in Vietnamese

  • {avuncular} , (thuộc) chú, (thuộc) bác, (thuộc) cậu; như chú, như bác, như cậu

Sentence patterns related to "伯父的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "伯父的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "伯父的", or refer to the context using the word "伯父的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 寄住在伯父的家裡,經常被表妹和伯母挖苦,過着委屈的生活。

2. 此外,以前為了保護因保護丸子而被全班責備的燦而接受了身為特殊部隊教官的伯父的情報戰訓練。

3. 妖怪研究家多田克己認為,白蔵主名字中的「白」是日本狐狸精中的一種,白狐的「白」的由來,而其作為獵人伯父的身份,也是一種暗示,因為「伯」既是「人」和「白」的合成字,也可以認為代表白狐化人。