东正教徒 in Vietnamese

  • {eastern} , đông, người miền đông ((cũng) easterner), (tôn giáo) tín đồ nhà thờ chính thống

Sentence patterns related to "东正教徒"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "东正教徒" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "东正教徒", or refer to the context using the word "东正教徒" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 有任何体制能够把天主教徒、东正教徒和基督新教徒协调起来吗?

2. 在巴尔干半岛,东正教徒、罗马天主教徒和信奉其他宗教的人彼此争夺领土。

3. 纵使这里哀鸿遍野,罗马天主教徒、东正教徒、回教徒纷纷趁火打劫,争城夺地,许多人却渴望享有和平,其中好些人甚至已经找到了。