不可分离 in Vietnamese

  • {xx} , (từ Mỹ) tờ 20 đô la, (viết tắt) của double,cross (từ lóng) sự lừa dối; sự phản bội

Sentence patterns related to "不可分离"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "不可分离" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "不可分离", or refer to the context using the word "不可分离" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. * 圣职的权利与天上的能力不可分离地结合在一起;教约121:36。

2. 我们在教义和圣约第121篇第36节读到:「圣职的权利和天上的能力不可分离地结合在一起。」

3. 在知與行的關係上,強調要知,更要行,知中有行,行中有知,所谓“知行合一”,二者互为表里,不可分离

4. 36圣职的a权利与天上的b能力不可分离地结合在一起,天上的能力不能被控制或运用,唯有借c正义的原则才可以。