一记耳光 in Vietnamese

  • {slap in the face}
    - {smack in the eye}

Sentence patterns related to "一记耳光"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "一记耳光" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "一记耳光", or refer to the context using the word "一记耳光" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 约18:13)耶稣在亚那家里受审问,还被人打了一记耳光。(

2. 今天,女主人心情不好,她一时火起来,就掴了我一记耳光

3. “你是羊群里的狼,”他喊道,说罢一手抓住我,重重给我一记耳光

“Một con sói ở giữa bầy chiên”; ông ta hét lên, vừa túm lấy tôi vừa tát vào mặt tôi.

4. 彻郎随即打了太太一记耳光,这次家庭争吵就这样以暴力收场。

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