一色的 in Vietnamese

  • {monochromatic} , đơn sắc, một màu ((cũng) monochrome)

Sentence patterns related to "一色的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "一色的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "一色的", or refer to the context using the word "一色的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 这类叛逆的装束却掀起了新的潮流,男男女女都是清一色的叛逆打扮,免得跟同辈格格不入。

2. 在一本讨论多妻制度的书里,希尔曼写道:“假设由于有天灾或人祸发生,突然间男性的数目大幅减少,几乎只剩下清一色的女子,圣经就无疑有理由容许这些男子与多个不同女子发生关系。”

3. 虽然宣称愿意解决塞浦路斯问题,但其行动证明,通过把塞浦路斯划在地理上分为两个族裔清一色的部分,让土耳其获得主权权利和干涉塞浦路斯的权利,它其实在一心一意追求其最初的目标:控制塞浦路斯,