自甘堕落 in Vietnamese

  • {self-abandonment} , sự miệt mài, sự mê mải, sự phóng túng, sự tự buông thả

Sentence patterns related to "自甘堕落"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "自甘堕落" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "自甘堕落", or refer to the context using the word "自甘堕落" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 养父养母后来离了婚,我更不惜自甘堕落——吸毒、偷窃、肆意毁坏他人财物、花天酒地。

2. 箴言27:20)在物质挂帅的社会里,人很易自甘堕落,用不正当的手段赚取金钱,参与有问题的商业活动或追求不切实际的发财捷径。“

3. 从约西亚在位到以色列人被掳巴比伦的这段日子里,耶利米一直担任先知的工作,谴责以色列人崇拜巴力,自甘堕落。 他把以色列比作一个不忠的妻子,在各高冈上、各茂盛树下恣意卖淫,跟石头木头通奸,把自己的“丈夫”和“家主”耶和华忘记得一干二净。(