市场价值 in Vietnamese

  • {vendibility} , tình trạng có thể bán được (hàng hoá)

Sentence patterns related to "市场价值"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "市场价值" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "市场价值", or refer to the context using the word "市场价值" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 全球证券市场价值 55万亿美元, 全球债券市场,78万亿。

Thị trường trái phiếu toàn cầu có giá 78 tỉ đô la.

2. “国民生产总值”指的是一个国家一年之内生产的商品与服务的市场价值总和。

3. 顾问精算师还指出,如所有其他精算假设都成立,资产的市场价值须大幅度下降 # %至 # %后,按照定期估算计算的基金顺差才会用完。

4. 如果按融资租赁核算(对于房地而言主要是租赁期限超过35年的租赁),则将不动产的公允市场价值资本化,并按不动产使用寿命和租赁安排期限两者中较短的期限折旧。