地鼠 in Vietnamese

  • {gopher} , chuột túi, chuột vàng, rùa đất, (như) gofer, goffer
    - {shrewmouse}

Sentence patterns related to "地鼠"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "地鼠" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "地鼠", or refer to the context using the word "地鼠" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 玩電玩有著專業的實力(不過不擅長玩打地鼠

2. 第11話時,曾使用V大槌Five Hammer以打地鼠的方式攻擊鼴鼠銀。

3. 不错,‘地鼠的谈话’可能极令人感兴趣——如果我们能够了解的话!

4. 阿哈隆尼指出,以赛亚书2:20提到的地鼠,应是学名为Crocidura religiosa 的那个种类。(《

5. 赛44:9-20)以赛亚说,在耶和华发怒的日子,信奉错误宗教的人会把无用的神像扔给地鼠和蝙蝠。(

6. 到那日,世人必把......神像,就是用金银造成的无用神像,扔给地鼠和蝙蝠。 这样,耶和华起来,大地震动的时候,人就走进岩穴里、钻进石隙中,好躲避令人生畏的上帝,躲避他显赫的威荣。