mệ in Russian

- она

Sentence patterns related to "mệ"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mệ" from the Vietnamese - Russian. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mệ", or refer to the context using the word "mệ" in the Vietnamese - Russian.

1. Im mệ đi Pookie.

Пуки, захлопни пасть.

2. Lao mệ dô tấm bảng Hollywood cho rồi

Нужно с разгона врезаться в надпись Голливуд, и покончить со всем.

3. “Gặp gỡ "Mệ" Bảo Ân, con trai út của Cựu Hoàng Bảo Ðại”.

Господи Боже, прости Слово беспутного сына.