bụm in Lao

bụm I.đgt. (ph.)1. ກອບ.Bụm nước rửa mặt: ກອບນ້ຳລ້າງໜ້າ.2. ຈຸ້ມ, ຫຸບ.Bụm tay làm loa: ຈຸ້ມມືເປັນໂທລະໂຄ່ງ.3. ຍຸ້ມ, ເມັ້ມ (ສົບ).Bụm miệng cười: ຍຸ້ມຫົວ.4. (ເຮັດໜ້າ) ຫຍຸ້ງ.Bụm mặt: ເຮັດໜ້າຫຍຸ້ງ. II. dt. (ph.) ອົ້ງມື.Lấy một bụm gạo: ເອົາເຂົ້າສານອົ້ງມືໜຶ່ງ.

Use "bụm" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bụm" from the Vietnamese - Lao. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bụm", or refer to the context using the word "bụm" in the Vietnamese - Lao.