Use "me" in a sentence

1. Why won't you let me take him with me?

2. 29 Và Ê Me là con trai của Ô Me.

3. Ask me anything you like – you will not catch me out.

4. Mom me Mimi.

5. It calls me

6. It's inside me

7. Wait for me.

8. Ravish Me Red.

9. count on me

10. He sent me your address email / He sent ur address email to me

11. LJ, look at me.

12. 3 – 3, to me.

13. let phone for me

14. Máu me tùm lum?

15. Để Me mở trước.

16. Make me rich.

17. Nhưng phải máu me?

18. Why do you dislike me? Correction – Why do you make such a show of disliking me?

19. Broadway rhythm lt's got me

20. Let me explain it again

21. You give me your birthday!!

22. Kìndly show me the way.

23. Me, con cúp máy đây.

24. Pha chế nước mắm me.

25. Give me that Magic Marker.

26. Me—ancient, creased, and withered.

27. Why do you mock me?

28. Give me the consommé.

29. They owe me ₤150.

30. you made me cry

31. you belong with me

32. You forgive me please

33. Máu me lòng ruột.

34. excuse me! Who is this?

35. Từ PopMatters, Adrien Begrand gọi ca từ của bài hát này "nóng bỏng", với ví dụ như câu "Hold me and control me and then/ Melt me slowly down".

36. she( he) broke up with me

37. Máu me đầy cả trên đầu.

38. Ông nghĩ ông biết máu me.

39. Máu me ở khắp mọi nơi".

40. how do u think about me?

41. So that's your little game – getting me moved to a different office and then doing my job for me.

42. Say you'll stay beside me

43. Máu me của ai vậy?

44. Thôi, một li Love Me đi.

45. I need time – don't pressurize me!

46. Even though you've him, her, me

47. And then a different feeling jolted through me — would Edward be waiting to sit with me again?

48. can you share for me some experrience ?

49. Quả me nước chín và sắp chín.

50. Let me introduce myself – I 'm Helen.

51. It's the little thíngs that annoy me.

52. Khơ - me is not an ethnic minority

53. 1 Và chuyện rằng, ông sinh ra Ô Me, và Ô Me lên trị vì thay thế ông.

54. I thought that possibly Mr. Wheeler might spring a mine upon me, and blow me into the air.

55. Tân giám mục chọn khẩu hiệu:Sequere me.

56. My parents often feed me on phở.

57. Lift me up, mummy – I can't see.

58. what time do you pick up me?

59. Tiếng nói theo ngôn ngữ Khơ me.

60. Tell Me You Love Me là album phòng thu thứ sáu của nữ ca sĩ người Hoa Kỳ Demi Lovato.

61. Vì nó xa máu me quá.

62. If you try to tame me

63. Stop pestering me – I 'm busy!

64. Em không ngại cảnh máu me đâu.

65. Fetching it to me with full hands.

66. You wanted me in trouble – mission accomplished.

67. "That's Sam — he's nineteen," he informed me.

68. Cur Lâm why did you bite me?

69. Give me a drink – I 'm parched.

70. A space quiet for you and me.

71. Phiên bản của Kurt Cobain My girl, my girl, don't lie to me Tell me, where did you sleep last night?

72. He lay down next to me—on top of the blanket so I wouldn't get chilled—and put his arm over me.

73. Và cả một mớ hỗn độn máu me.

74. He swore to me that he wasn't lying.

75. Me 210A-0 Máy bay tiền sản xuất.

76. Don't tell everyone – you' re making me blush!

77. Cho tôi xem ít máu me đi chứ.

78. "There's a party on Sunday."–"Count me in!"

79. The police stopped me for speeding and threw the book at me for everything – faulty lights, dangerous tyres, no insurance...

80. He met me with a square refusal.