Use "zygotes" in a sentence

1. These Archegonia contain zygotes

2. Zygotes are intrinsically more difficult-yet efficiency clearly has to be much higher, for zygotes are precious commodities.

3. The Oospores were mixed with an Antheridia suspension then the zygotes were swirled and allowed to settle

4. 28 Is it possible, they asked, that nuclei from two-cell embryo are simply less robust than nuclei from zygotes?

5. Chimerism, the presence in a single person of cells derived from two or more zygotes, is one such rare anomaly

6. Is it possible, they asked, that nuclei from two-cell embryo are simply less robust than nuclei from zygotes?

7. In the Anisogamy model, the energy requirements of zygotes must be sufficiently larger than those of gametes to allow the divergence of gamete sizes

8. 23 Such zygotes can develop as far as the blastocyst stage but if they are then implanted into a uterus they soon fail.

9. The products of their unions are zygotes, and fertilization occurs when the sperm swim through an opening (operculum) from each antheridium along a thin film of water to the neck of each Archegonium.

10. Chimera, in genetics, an organism or tissue that contains at least two different sets of DNA, most often originating from the fusion of as many different zygotes (fertilized eggs)

11. They pass from single cells to multi-celled zygotes, clumps of cells called morulas, and hollow balls of cells called Blastulas, before they differentiate, creating the organs and systems of the body

12. Chimerism is a very rare condition caused by the fusion of zygotes (fertilized eggs) into a single form during early cell duplication.It is extremely rare, with only forty or so known human cases

13. Coccidia live in both vertebrates and invertebrates, primarily in the lining cells of the intestine; they cause the disease coccidiosis.The two main phases in the life cycle are free-living oocysts (encapsulated zygotes), which are discharged by contaminated animals, and parasitic