Use "zooxanthellae" in a sentence

1. The color of the anemone is partly caused by symbiotic Zooxanthellae in the gastrodermal layer.

2. 30 In any case the zooxanthellae generate much of the coral's nutritional needs by photosynthesis.

3. These corals lack Zooxanthellae and are able to Calcify at cooler temperatures and lower levels of saturation than exist in the shallower waters

4. Bleachings happen when the coral expels tiny algae, called zooxanthellae, that live inside it and provide its food and create its rainbow hues

5. Elevated ocean temperatures leads to the expulsion of the symbiotic zooxanthellae from the coral tissues, resulting in Bleaching and death of corals.

6. Therefore, the MAAs found in many Anthozoan/dinoflagellate symbioses are widely assumed to originate in the endosymbionts (Shick and Dunlap, 2002), even though they actually may be more concentrated in the tissues of the Anthozoan host than in the zooxanthellae (Shick et al., 1995; J