Use "zooplankton" in a sentence

1. Tiny animals called zooplankton eat the algae.

2. Young Bluegill eat worms and zooplankton, staying …

3. Young Bowfins dine on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and insects.

4. Young Bowfins dine on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and insects.

5. This species of Asian Carp consume microscopic zooplankton

6. Recently hatched out carps eat mainly zooplankton and algae.

7. Zooplankton include cod eggs and larvae; the intensified predation works against cod recovery. The decrease in zooplankton eased predation on algal phytoplankton, which increased.

8. Branchiopoda hidup sebagai zooplankton di laut dan di air tawar

9. Young Burbots survive on zooplankton and insects while adults prefer fish

10. 16 Compared with crustacean zooplankton, rotifer responded to trophic status more distinctly.

11. For example, zooplankton eat green algae, keeping their populations at lower levels.

12. The plants are the phytoplankton, and the floating animals are the zooplankton.

13. Zooplankton biomass remained heavily dominated by calanoid copepods, typical of acidified lakes.

14. The diversity index of zooplankton increased with the increase of macrophyte biomass.

15. Young Bluegill, like most small fish, feed on tiny, aquatic invertebrates called zooplankton

16. Bluegills eat zooplankton when young, but switch to aquatic insects after they mature

17. Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton.

18. Lake trout eat the zooplankton and POPs accumulate at greater levels in their tissue.

19. Young Bluegills feed on small zooplankton, and as they grow, they can feed on insects

20. Some Crustacean zooplankton also consume aggregations formed from dissolved organic matter and other nonliving particulates.

21. As zooplankton become more abundant and eat more phytoplankton, the population of phytoplankton should shrink.

22. Bluegills during the winter consume zooplankton, minnows, shad, and aquatic insects as they find them

23. Alaska Blackfish feed on a variety of prey items including zooplankton, insects, and small fish

24. The fluctuation of zooplankton biomass might be one of the natural control mechanisms of large bloom.

25. They put zooplankton and phytoplankton into 4 - liter tubs and let them sit for 8 days.

26. The fish also eat filamentous algae and other plant material, bottom-dwelling aquatic insects and zooplankton.

27. Mysis mixta accumulated high levels of lipid reserves similar to those reached by other cold-water zooplankton.

28. Crustaceans include animals such as crabs, barnacles, crayfish, krill, sand hoppers, shrimp and many species of zooplankton

29. Bluegills are carnivores, primarily eating invertebrates such as snails, worms, shrimp, aquatic insects, small crayfish, and zooplankton

30. In both these formerly acidic lakes, pH has increased to ~6.0, and some zooplankton community recovery has occurred.

31. A "Copepod" is a type of zooplankton, a planktonic crustacean distantly related to shrimp and crabs

32. Alewives eat the same prey, zooplankton, as many native species; they may also eat their eggs and larvae

33. The growth is a boon for zooplankton, who now have ready access to an easy - to - find feast.

34. The metazoan zooplankton species were mainly composed of eurythermal ones and only a few thermophil ones were also found.

35. By quantifying the contributions from multiple scattering sources, acoustic backscatter becomes a better measure of net-collected zooplankton biomass.

36. The first theories of such grazer control were merely based on observations of negative correlations between algal and zooplankton numbers.

37. Rotifera (Brachionus Angularia, Polyarthra vulgaris, Pedalia mira and Filinia longiseta) was the keystone taxa of both zooplankton and entire aquatic organisms

38. ·day-1. We conclude that local production exceeding advective loss rates can explain the high concentrations of zooplankton on Western Bank.

39. Cod eat sprats, a small, herring-like species that eat microscopic marine creatures called zooplankton that in turn eat the algae.

40. Prevalence of krill in summer surface waters has given rise to a misconception that krill and other euphausiids constantly dominate the zooplankton.

41. The life cycle of a Barnacle is relatively simple; they reproduce sexually and a larval nauplius is released and drift with the zooplankton

42. Abdominalis is the key winter-spring zooplankton in the Xiangshan Bay , a typical subtropical semi-enclosed bay in the East China Sea

43. Acropora corals receive a majority of their nutritional requirements from photosynthesis, but will benefit from the addition of various types of phyto and zooplankton.

44. The damaged rate of the zooplankton is 31-90 percent, the most serious damaged species by the power plant are Copepoda and larval plankton.

45. 5 Phytoplankton are the foundation of the aquatic food web, the primary producers, feeding everything from microscopic,( animal-like zooplankton to multi-ton whales.

46. We tested the hypothesis that advective transport regulates zooplankton biomass in the Hudson and in lakes, estuaries, and rivers for which we have published values.

47. A radiolarian, a type of zooplankton, is seen magnified 250x in this image made by Raymond Sloss of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society in Northampton, UK.

48. Topics covered included Acidific ation and recent deep convection in the Labrador Sea, inter-decadal changes in zooplankton annual abundances and seasonal cycles in the NW .

49. Copepods are one of the most common and easily recognized types of zooplankton, found in almost every ocean, sea, and freshwater habitat, even in underground caverns.

50. The team provided the subjects with farmed fish, under a controlled diet that consisted of special ingredients like vegetable oils and food as algae and zooplankton.

51. The abnormal growth rate appeared when daily ration was below 30% of body weight, implied that Japanese halfbeak may get other food resources besides supplied net zooplankton.

52. The water pollution and eutrophication were judged by the assessment of hydrobiology with the species and quantity measure and analysis of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom dwelling biology and fish.

53. Fish can absorb methyl mercury directly through their gills or ingest by eating microscopic plants and animals like phytoplankton and zooplankton which absorb methyl mercury from the water .

54. Crustacean zooplankton are major consumers of phytoplankton, transferring energy from these primary producers up the food web to zooplanktivorous invertebrates and fish in wetlands, lakes, ponds, and rivers

55. The seasonal variation of phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients at a fixed station and in the Extended Gulf Stream System are studied by using a vertically averaged plankton model, respectively.

56. ‘Adult Blueheads feed primarily on zooplankton and many small benthic organisms.’ ‘I have seen many female Blueheads in with breeding colored males and never noticed a significant change in coloration.’

57. The zooplankton, which encompass a wide range of little organisms from single-cell protozoa to creatures such as jellyfish, krill and copepods, provide the basic link in the ocean food chain.

58. Coexistence of large- and small-bodied zooplankton in proportions inversely reflecting their body sizes, in habitats of wide productivity spectrum, reflects the interspecific difference in species-specific reaction field volume (Figure 3).

59. The seasonal variation of phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients at a fixed station and in the Extended Gulf Stream System are studied by using a vertically averaged plankton model[sentence dictionary], respectively.

60. 29 The zooplankton, which encompass a wide range of little organisms from single-cell protozoa to creatures such as jellyfish, krill and copepods, provide the basic link in the ocean food chain.

61. Fisheries being roughly six times more productive than that of the North Sea, the Benguela Current supports an important global reservoir of biodiversity and biomass of zooplankton, fish, sea birds, and marine mammals

62. Abdominalis emerges in winter, thriving and occupying over 90% of the zooplankton abundance, and maintains its dominant position in spring, acting as the main prey source for fish larvae ( Du et al

63. Ctenophores, also knowns as “comb jellies” or “sea walnuts,” are an important phylum in the global ocean, serving as a critical middle step in the food web between smaller zooplankton and larger fishes

64. Above, the Medusa-like arms of a northern basket star (right) seek a meal of zooplankton beside a polar alcyonarian soft coral in the shallows beneath an ice sheet in the Canadian Arctic.

65. 'To our surprise, the iron-fertilised patch attracted large numbers of zooplankton predators belonging to the crustacean group known and amphipods,' said Professor Victor Smetacek of Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research.

66. And in the spring, when the sun returns to the ice, it forms the phytoplankton, grows under that ice, and then you get bigger sheets of seaweed, and then you get the zooplankton feeding on all that life.

67. The hypothesis that shad year-class strength is established during larval development mainly by abiotic factors was assessed by correlation analysis between environmental variables, year-class strength, weekly zooplankton densities, hydrographic conditions, and larval feeding success among the 1979 through 1982 year-classes.

68. Panametrics preamplifiers have also been used in many widely diversified research applications including seismic studies, determination of the size and number versus scattered frequency relationship for acoustic scatterers in water (gas bubbles, zooplankton), crack detection in graphite vacuum arc-melt electrodes, and biological tissue analysis.

69. Freshwater Amphipods, including those in the genus Crangonyx, are usually considered detritivorous (Schwartz 1992), but in certain conditions they have been documented to consume a variety of small organisms including zooplankton like Daphnia obtusa, aquatic insect larvae, and other crustaceans such as isopods (Hynes 1954; Schwartz 1992; MacNeil and others 1997).

70. To achieve the aim of an overall increase in flow volumes on the basis of biogenic accumulation of carbon dioxide, it is vital to ensure that certain obstacles are eliminated, and in particular forest fires, forest clearance, spontaneous peat fires, oil films covering the surface of seas and oceans, the death of phyto and zooplankton, which play a role in absorbing and storing carbon