Use "zircon" in a sentence

1. Named after the mineral zircon

2. Biotite With a Halo Around a Zircon Inclusion

3. Sopa Andalusite Ring with White Zircon in 9K Gold 0.97ct

4. This paper presents new zircon ages and reassesses previously published ones, now refined by the addition of abraded and concordant zircon analyses.

5. ‘Although blue Corundum, zircon, and tourmaline occur in …

6. Sopa Andalusite Ring with White Zircon in Sterling Silver 1.36cts

7. The largest grain of Biotite contains a pelochroic halo (burn mark) around an included zircon

8. The early accessory assemblage includes Mg-Fe mica, rutile, zircon, titaniferous magnetite and thorite.

9. Among the accessory minerals, euhedral zircon is indicative of the initial richness of the magma in Zr.

10. Mineralogical composition: plagioclase (oligoclase), quartz, K-feldspar, biotite, ± hornblende; apatite, zircon, allanite are the accessory minerals.

11. Capital produce a wide range of Atomising nozzles in a range of zirconia and zircon materials

12. Statistically, the sedimentary rocks of Central Europe show an increase in detrital pink zircon with growing geological age.

13. The Advertised ancestor is plot-irrelevant Zircon Laffer, who appears in 1 scene with 1 line

14. Zircon aluminum silicate used as a molding sand for the fabrication of castings in foundries and refractories

15. The groundmass is Andesinite, hornblende, biotite, quartz and K-feldspar, whereas accessory minerals consist of magmetite, apatite, sphene and zircon

16. The title that a woman that offers zircon dangler on the website uses is " the dangler that a trash sends ".

17. Favorite Add to More colors December-Blue Zircon Charm-Swarovski Crystal Cube Charm-Sterling Lobster Clasp-Purse Charm-Birthstone Attachable Charm-Zipper Pull

18. TAnzanite is a birthstone for December, along with zircon, turquoise, and blue topaz. TAnzanite is also the gem for a 24th anniversary.

19. Alkali feldspar, apatite, clinopyroxene, olivine, magnetite, mica, nepheline, oxides, plagioclase, quartz, sodalite, titanite and zircon also form the groundmass of microliths in erupted rocks.

20. The DLC monzogranite contains glomeroporphyritic biotite with ilmenite and many rare-earth-element (REE) bearing accessory minerals, zircon-bearing quartz phenocrysts, and xenoliths of biotite granite.

21. A porphyritic mafic rock with a U-Pb zircon age of 150 Ma (Tithonian) has a crystallization Age coeval with marine strata overlying the salt

22. In the Cathodoluminescence(CL)images the zircons extracted from the dioritic gneiss show good crystal morphology and clear oscillatory zoning, as is the case of magmatic zircon.

23. Baddeleyite, which is essentially pure zirconium dioxide, ZrO 2, is the only other important zirconium mineral, but the commercial product is more cheaply recovered from zircon

24. Zircon in the Ririwai biotite granite, and its albitized and greisenized varieties, is described by reflected-light and backscattered-electron (BSE) microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis.

25. Nevertheless, detrital zircon crystals dated to 4.4 Ga show evidence of having undergone contact with liquid water, suggesting that the Earth already had oceans or seas at that time.

26. Field relations and U-Pb zircon geochronologic data demonstrate that the gneisses are deformed Batholiths that intruded the supracrustal sequence during two separate episodes of plutonism at ca

27. 25 Discussed in this paper is the mineralization of granitoid rocks based on SIMS data on trace elements and volatile components in apatite, zircon and biotite from granitoid rocks.

28. ‘Having determined the age of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex, we now examine the behaviour of the U-bearing accessory minerals Baddeleyite, zircon and monazite in the Ballachulish metamorphic aureole.’

29. Sa Huỳnh beads were made from glass, carnelian, agate, olivine, zircon, gold and garnet; most of these materials were not local to the region, and were most likely imported.

30. After Biotite 40Arrad/39ArK ages of 333 ± 2 and Pb/Pbrad zircon ages around 335 Ma of other workers emplacement and cooling of the Thüringer Hauptgranit were completed in …

31. The sample may be treated to remove unwanted accessory minerals such as Feldspar and Zircon and may be shielded from direct light to allow phosphorescence and radioluminescence to decay to insignificant levels.

32. Zircon (ZrSiO 4) and Baddeleyite (ZrO 2) are common accessory minerals in igneous rocks of felsic to mafic composition.Both minerals host trace elements substituting for Zr, among them Hf, Th, U, Y, REEs and many more

33. In addition, the variation in mean creep rate is also reduced which reduces the chances that the zircon refractory of a particular isopipe will have an abnormally high creep rate and thus exhibit unacceptable sag prematurely.

34. ‘The element is almost invariably found in conjunction with ores of zirconium, especially zircon and Baddeleyite.’ ‘Eudialyte occurs primarily along the margins of the leucosomes and is commonly found altered to catapleiite, Baddeleyite, lavenite, paraumbite, and barytolamprophyllite.’

35. Selon les valeurs de δ 18 O, le grenat magmatique est en équilibre avec le zircon coexistant (δ 18 O = 8.14 ± 0.23‰; n = 21) dans le Batholite, ce qui confirme la cristallisation magmatique directe du grenat.

36. Isotope dilution – thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID–TIMS) and chemical abrasion – thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA–TIMS) dating of magmatic zircon from amphibolites in the Hauser Lake Gneiss yield 1470–1430 Ma crystallization ages based on discordant data, with Cretaceous lower intercepts.

37. The mineral assemblages are dominated by muscovite (25–45%), chlorite (15–25%), quartz (18–30%) and albite (2–6%) while hematite, dolomite, pyrite, apatite, ore, zircon, rutile and amorphous carbon are accessory, but in some rocks hematite (11%), dolomite (42%) and talc (40%) are also dominant.

38. The largest of the plutons is the Burnthill Granite (area = 180 km2), which comprises a texturally variable, polyphase intrusion composed of biotite monzogranites and alkali feldspar granites (International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) classification); apatite and zircon are the ubiquitous accessory minerals.

39. Abstract Columbite crystals from niobium-yttrium-fluorine (NYF) pegmatites lacking zircon or containing metamict cyrtolite were analyzed for major and minor elements (Electron Microprobe (EMP)), trace elements (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)), and U-Pb geochronology (Laser AblationMulti-Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA …

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