Use "zionist" in a sentence

1. Condemns Zionist organizations like Rotary?

2. He was an ardent Zionist.

3. First Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני הראשון ‎) was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1960) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897

4. The clerical leadership announced that "thousands have been massacred by Zionist troops".

5. Have you given up your unconditional support for Zionist regime?

6. ZIONIST Congresses, the highest authority in the Zionist Organization; created by Theodor *Herzl.None of the previous attempts to convene general assemblies of the Jewish national movement, some of which were successful and some abortive, succeeded in creating an instrument similar in scope or nature to the Zionist Congresses.

7. We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement...

8. The Zionist Activists Who Collaborated With Nazis, and Were Executed by Jewish Partisans

9. But with the unstoppable Louis Brandeis leading the Zionist charge, the barons gave in.

10. In 2007 Ashery joined a demonstration of Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews in central London.

11. Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria to a devout Jewish and Zionist family in 1924.

12. He was attacked by rabbis and Zionist activists the length and breadth of the state.

13. This las point may illuminate the roots of the Zionist movements hate to present Iraq.

14. Each had its own impossible plan for a perfect world, usually either socialist or Zionist.

15. Liel Leibovitz, senior writer at Tablet, is co-teaching Zionist Political Thought: Arguing Zionism with Rabbi Dr

16. In addition, the art of the time reflected in many ways the construction of Zionist national consciousness.

17. Can it conceal the enormity of the economic and financial damage inflicted on the [ Zionist ] entity?

18. Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine.

19. Like the Zionist experience too, this yearning is reinforced by repeated exposure to legal and physical vulnerability.

20. Before the establishment of the state of Israel, Shamir was a leader of the Zionist paramilitary group Lehi.

21. Smatter Drug bacon-and-eggs avodire part-score glomming reapers dispensatress Sayles restock receptivity Pro-zionist semipeaceful Anfract

22. Muslim anger turned against bin Laden , accusing him even of being a Zionist agent sent to discredit Islam .

23. When the Bund’s claims were rejected, it left the RSDLP and allied itself with the Zionist movement of Poale Zion

24. South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.

25. Toward the end of the 19th century Jews began to return to their traditional homeland as the Zionist movement was born.

26. In 1951, Slánský and several other senior Communists were arrested and charged with participating in a "Trotskyite-Titoite-Zionist conspiracy".

27. After World War II, the most prominent terrorist organizations in Middle East were "Yier Gong" and "Stern help" in the Zionist movement.

28. Aliyah is a Hebrew word as well as a name, used to mean the migration of Jews to Israel, a basic tenet of Zionist ideology

29. Everyone hates the prolix Gadaffi, particularly Arab despots who he routinely blasts as "old women in robes," "Zionist lackeys," and "cowards and thieves.

30. The price for the blunder of dissociation from the Yishuv during the La Spezia episode would be paid in the next election to the Zionist Congress.

31. In response to Germany's growing anti-Semitism, he became a passionate Zionist, yet he also expressed concern about the rights of Arabs in any Jewish state.

32. Zionist policy aimed at this domination and worked for it , though , I believe , some sections of Jewish opinion were opposed to this aggressive attitude .

33. Birthright trips are known for their packed 10-day itinerary that includes visits to landmarks like Jerusalem’s Western Wall, “a Zionist heritage site,” and the Dead Sea

34. End of the 19th century, the Zionist movement in the rise all over the world, into a large number of Jews all over Palestine.

35. End of the 19th century, Europe has emerged large-scale wave of anti-Semitism, the Zionist movement and the ideas which have a corresponding rise.

36. In 1909 the mostly Russian socialist idealists of the Zionist movement set up an armed group, Hashomer, to protect their new farms and villages in Palestine from Arab marauders.

37. The limited funds of the Zionist movement made it unable to afford such a policy on a massive scale, though some steps in that direction were taken.

38. She has also shared a video with a different classic anti-Semitic and explicitly racist conspiracy theory, Claiming that “an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists, and Zionist supremacists

39. Cross questioning: Why Do Many Christians Believe Jesus Will Appear After Jews Rebuild the Temple? To understand, one must dig down to the bedrock of the messianic belief held by Zionist evangelicals.

40. In 1941, he was elected Secretary of HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed, a Labor Zionist youth movement, and in 1944 returned to Alumot, where he had an agricultural training and worked as a farmer and a shepherd.

41. Listen to Ali Khamenei , Iran ' s supreme leader , on the exchange , seeing in it another proof " that the evil Zionist regime is defeatable by the strong wills and concrete faiths of the Mujahedeen of Islam . "

42. While Einstein Adamantly declared himself without religion, he never considered himself an atheist but a scientist; however he always considered himself a member of the Jewish culture and with the changes taking place in Germany, he became a prominent spokesmen for the Zionist movement.

43. The Baltimorean and comrades-in-arms found comfort, therefore, in 34-year-old Elmer Berger's crusade in Flint against "corrosive" Jewish nationalism and in the Wolsey disciple's pamphlet Why I Am a Non-Zionist, published in May to cheers from Proskauer and HUC president Julian Morgenstern.

44. Baseless hatred is understood within Jewish tradition to have been the cause of the longest exile of the Jewish people from the Land of Israel; Levy discusses the impact of Baseless hatred – both from without and from within – on the State of Israel, including an analysis of Islamist anti-Zionist hostility and the more recent Western

45. Avowedly committed to the Zionist project, he is nonetheless critical of the decision-making process, arguing that it is characterized by an absence of policy planning processes by the premier and cabinet-level forums; a deep politicization; a lack of top-down control (particularly when politicization is high); a failure to institutionalize the process, resulting in highly idiosyncratic

46. A Brief Review of Farrell’s “Babylon’s Banksters” By “Eliezer” This is not a “Zionist” System, but as described in Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion, by Joseph Farrell, it is a system of displacing national currencies with the currency of a private banking cartel, which finds its genesis in Babylon and the bloodline of Nimrod.

47. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, whom according to Greg Hallet, is the illegitimate child of Edward VII,[1] was an ardent Zionist with the role of berating Bolshevism to form the fantasy of division within the Jewish Messianic cult so they could offer up their speciality of opposing sides they control allowing a theology for the Bolshevik, Karl Marx and his action, and the theology for the