Use "zein" in a sentence

1. Testuak idaztean zein hitz egitean nahastu ohi ditugu bere, haren eta Beraren formak

2. The processes utilize a zein coating to protect and stabilize the omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Lan etekinak, zergadunak Beraren lanetik zuzenean edo zeharka sortzen dituen kontraprestazio edo onura guztiak, diruzkoak zein gauzazkoak

4. In Christian architecture the Baptistery or baptistry (Old French baptisterie; Latin baptisterium; Greek βαπτιστήριον, 'bathing-place, Baptistery', from βαπτίζειν, baptízein, 'to baptize') is the separate centrally planned structure surrounding the baptismal font.

5. Scientists had known since the early 20th century that rats could not survive on a diet whose only protein source was zein, which comes from maize (corn), but recovered if they were fed casein from cow's milk.