Use "zaire" in a sentence

1. Currently working for the insurgent force in Zaire.

2. Currently working for the insurgent force in Zaire

3. The Congo was known as Zaire from 1971 until 1997.

4. A presidential speech and news conference in Zaire on April 24, 1990, indicated a marked change in the attitude toward the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Zaire.

5. KIMBILIKITI is the ancestral religion of the Rega tribe in Kivu province, situated in east-central Zaire.

6. KIKWIT, Zaire, is a sprawling town on the fringe of a tropical rain forest.

7. “What you have in your hands is American property and does not belong to Zaire,” I reminded them.

8. On March 12, 1986, the responsible brothers were handed a letter that declared the association of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Zaire illegal.

9. After four years of serving under the pressures of the ban on the work in Zaire, I developed a bleeding stomach ulcer that was life threatening.

10. A lake in the Great Rift Valley of central Africa on the Zaire-Uganda border. It was discovered by Henry M. Stanley in 8

11. What Is Coltan ?Coltan, short for Columbite-tantalite is a metallic ore comprisingNiobium and Tantalum, found mainly in the eastern regions of theDemocratic Republic of Congo (formally Zaire)

12. He related what took place: “On March 12, 1986, the responsible brothers were handed a letter that declared the association of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Zaire illegal.”

13. She came home after Zaire Bone weary, but then a few weeks later her feet were itching to get back out there, click for more sentences of Bone weary

14. The European Council supports the ongoing process of transition to democracy in Zaire aimed at holding free and democratic elections according to the framework and the timetable indicated by the institutions responsible for the transition.

15. Finally, carrying what was left of their computer equipment, the remaining four fled to Goma, in Zaire, where they loyally continued to translate The Watchtower into the Kinyarwanda language. —Isaiah 54:17.

16. Former: Congo Free State, Belgian Congo, Congo/Leopoldville, Congo/Kinshasa, Zaire abbreviation: DRC (or DROC) etymology: named for the Congo River, most of which lies within the DRC; the river name derives from Kongo, a Bantu kingdom that occupied its mouth at the time of Portuguese discovery in the late 15th century and whose name stems from