Use "yuppies" in a sentence

1. There were no yuppies or floppy discs.

2. Club Med is the renowned retreat for lustful yuppies.

3. And if's one thing yuppies do, it's copycat their brethren.

4. 16 He writes a couple of highbrow books about yuppies and faggots.

5. Meanwhile, going after one of these rich yuppies, it's a whole different story.

6. I'm amazed that all these yuppies moving in here just don't get hit more often.

7. This was the rise of the baby boom generation - and young upwardly mobile professionals, known as yuppies.

8. I regarded with distaste a group of sleek young yuppies in city suits, guffawing.

9. 22 This was the rise of the baby boom generation - and young upwardly mobile professionals, known as yuppies.